Food Certifications

Food Inspection & Certification Course from Natural Knowledge


Certified Professional Food Manager

Proctoring of all food related exams such as Certified Professional Food Manager (CPFM) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).  Organizations can schedule review classes for CPFM and HACCP, while individuals can purchase our online CPFM study materials.

Certified Professional Food Manager Study Guide:  CPFM credential is for managers of restaurants, grocery stores, mobile food units or any other type of establishment that serves food. The CPFM credential is also required in some states for health inspectors. This study guide will help you prepare to obtain this certification which is good for five years and will set you apart from the average food safety professional. This certification can also be used for continuing education credit.

Ethnic Foods

Training is geared for Food Inspectors and Health Professionals. Ethnic Foods covers Asian, Jamaican, African and other cuisines. Learn more about the diverse foods encountered in restaurants across the country. Can be used for continuing education.

Microbiology 101

Microbiology 101 is a great refresher for health inspectors. Do you remember Campylobacter jejuni, Shigella, and Vibrio? If your mind went blank, you need this training.
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Start Your Food Certifications Today

Let Natural Knowledge help you take your professionalism to the next level with our online courses and classes

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